12 women and 1 coxswain, an 8+ and a 4-, training on the rivers of Berlin for the United States. Here's whats going on with the High Performance rowers.

Good thing I packed bandaids!

Looks like we're finally getting into the swing of things in Germany with our training! I've got blisters on me fingers.

This morning, we had two practices with a 45-minute stretch break in between. First, we did steady state 20 minute pieces by 6s and 8s around the 16k island. We got off the water pretty sore from doing lower rates at high power per stroke for 2 hours, but after a quick snack and some stretching, we got back on. We did about 10k more for almost 2 more hours, picking it up with a bunch of 20 stroke pieces. Getting off the water, we were all in consensus..."My butt hurts!"

Oh yeah, that wasn't all! It was a heatwave today, so practicing during the afternoon would have been suicidal, but at 6pm we went out on a run with Cass. We thought it might be an easy jog...well, I guess the keyword is "with Cass". Chasing after her had us panting, sprinting, and by the end of it, we were pretty wiped out. But there were a bunch of German people coming back from the beach and they all were cheering us on, which was kind of funny. And afterwards, we dipped our feet into the crisp water at the dock, had another great dinner, and vegged out while watching the World Cup.

As you can see, we got in some quality work today. We're all pretty wiped out, but I think we're also starting to realize the utter power this HP team has. Putting in this sort of work will only make us more confident to race. And we're getting psyched to do just that: 6 more days til we face the germans!